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Wedge Overview

Wedge is a one-way video interviewing platform that streamlines your hiring process. Franchise Owner? Recruiter? Hiring Manager? Do you struggle to find time to screen, interview, and hire the right team with a limited schedule? We got you covered.With Wedge, you can record custom questions ahead of time, set up interviews in a few clicks, and interview + share + review your candidates in minutes. No need to wait around for no-shows, or cycle through pre-hire phone-screening calls. Wedge enables you and your candidates to interview wherever & whenever you want, so you can have complete freedom. Explore what the future of hiring has for you, and cut your time-to-hire by up to 50%.


Save Time

Wedge allows you to record your interview questions, send them to your candidates and review their answers on your own time! No more hassle with scheduling or scheduling technology. Cut the need to schedule out completely and save time in your day!

Hire Top Quality Candidates

No more “mass apply” candidates from busy job boards. Understand who your go-to candidates are by seeing which ones go the extra mile and answer your Wedge interview questions! By going to the candidates who want to work for you, you hire better people, faster!

Scale First Level Interview Best Practices

It takes time and money to train a hiring manager how to interview. With Wedge’s easy to use software, record interview questions once and use them in any location you hire talent! Ensures quality control and a great candidate experience!

Custom Video Questions and Interview Intro

Fully customize the interview experience by creating your own custom video questions and interview introduction! Show off that incredible company culture that is so difficult to express before you’re in the building!

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Integrates Directly with JazzHR and Lever

Utilize Wedge’s easy to use hiring software with the ease of use of your existing process. No need to have an extra log-in, you can view your Wedge interviews in the assessment portion of your ATS!

Fast Interview Setup with Interview Playlists

Too many jobs to set-up interviews for? Don’t worry – with Wedge, you can create and share interview playlists across as many jobs as you need – so you can speed up your hiring, and get the interviews going in a jiff. Need one playlist for sales? Create a sales interview and choose that playlist for all your designated jobs.

Need one for marketing? Or development? Leadership? It’s all possible with Wedge’s high-quality interface.


Hire Better Candidates in Half the Time